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Review: The Sound Voice Project, Royal Ballet and Opera, by Broadway World

Shout at Cancer

Extraordinary, unique, astounding 30 minutes long installation that will live forever in the hearts and minds of those who see it.

You’re not much of a reviewer if you claim that a show is not amenable to description in words. But sometimes you have to give best to the churning stomach, the sense that the world has shifted on its axis, that the tears that prick your eyes are not the result of sappy sentimentality, but form the only rational response to what you have seen. Such is The Sound Voice Project.

We enter a sepulchral space, dark, silent, still as much a crypt as a theatre. Three gossamer thin screens, narrow and vertical, disconcertingly lifesize, stand in the middle like tombstones and we sit in a wide circle, heart rates low, already fearful that we might have left the phone on. It’s the last thought we have of the outside world for 25 minutes.....



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